Tuesday, October 30, 2012

We're Great at Embroidery As Well -

Many of our clients appreciate us for the various promotional product solutions we provide to them. Many clients know we can print on almost any product type, including apparel.  We want you know that our EMBROIDERY is the best the industry has to offer.  Embroidery is not just the process of stitching a logo or design onto an apparel piece, but that there is very much an artistic component to embroidery.  This artistic process (Digitizing)involves the how the embroidery process takes place on the apparel piece to be embroidered.  Our artistic group overseeing our digitizing won the 2012 "Stitches" Golden Needle Award for Best Design. Oh - we should mention this is the third year in row they have won this award!

Our artistic group digitized Propay's Zumogo design that were featured at the Sundance 2011 Film Festival.  EMBROIDERY AS GOOD AS IT GETS...

Branding Pros Embroidery - Back of the Jacket & Right Sleeve Above the Wrist.

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